Master the Best Edgar Build: Dominate Brawl Stars Like Never Before!

Master the Best Edgar Build: Dominate Brawl Stars Like Never Before!

Edgar is one of the most agile and aggressive brawlers in Brawl Stars, but without the right build, even his intense gameplay can fall short. Whether you’re diving into the fray with high-octane leaps or outmaneuvering opponents with speed, the right setup is essential to make the most of Edgar’s abilities.

Here’s everything you need to know about the best Edgar build for both casual players and those climbing the ranks.

Unleash Edgar’s True Power: The Must-Have Edgar Build

Edgar shines as an assassin with close-range burst damage and unmatched mobility. The best build amplifies these strengths and keeps him on the battlefield longer.

Star Power: Hard Landing or Fisticuffs?

When selecting Edgar’s Star Power, the choice depends on your preferred playstyle:

Hard Landing

This is the go-to Star Power for players who love an aggressive, in-your-face approach. When Edgar uses his Super, he deals an additional 1000 damage upon landing. This extra burst can secure kills or turn the tide in a tough fight, especially against squishier brawlers. It’s the perfect way to ensure Edgar lands with an impact—literally.


If you prefer a more sustained fight, Fisticuffs boosts Edgar’s lifesteal by 25%. This Star Power excels in drawn-out battles, allowing Edgar to stay alive longer as he drains enemy health with every punch. It’s perfect for players who want to keep Edgar in the game longer, turning him into an unstoppable force.

Gadget: Let’s Fly!

There’s no debate when it comes to Edgar’s best Gadget. Let’s Fly! is his signature ability, enabling him to instantly charge his Super by 525%. This makes Edgar incredibly unpredictable, allowing him to leap into combat at a moment’s notice. It’s not just about timing—it’s about staying one step ahead of your enemies.

Gears: Speed and Shield

Gears enhance Edgar’s flexibility and survivability. The most recommended choices are:

Speed Gear

Edgar thrives on mobility, and with the Speed Gear, his already fast movement gets a boost on bushes. This extra mobility allows Edgar to sneak around and surprise enemies from unexpected angles.

Shield Gear

If you find yourself diving headfirst into danger, Shield Gear reduces incoming damage when Edgar’s health drops. Combined with his lifesteal ability, this can give him the edge needed to survive sticky situations and come out victorious.

Pro Tips: How to Use Edgar Like a Pro

Even with the best build, strategy is everything. Here’s how to get the most out of Edgar’s potential:

Timing Your Super

Don’t rush to use Edgar’s Super. While it’s tempting to leap into battle, timing is key. Wait until enemies are distracted or when they have already used their escape abilities to maximize impact.

Ambush from the Bushes

Edgar’s speed makes him an excellent ambusher. Use bushes to hide and catch enemies off guard. With the right approach, you’ll be able to land devastating blows before they even realize what’s happening.

Focus on Squishy Targets

Edgar excels against lower-health brawlers, so prioritize taking them down first. Characters like Crow, Piper, and Brock are perfect targets.

Edgar’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Every brawler has their pros and cons, and understanding them can help you use Edgar to his full potential.


High Burst Damage

Edgar’s close-range punches can shred through enemies, especially when combined with Hard Landing.


Thanks to his lifesteal mechanic, Edgar can recover HP while dealing damage, making him harder to take down in prolonged fights.


Edgar’s Super and Speed Gear make him one of the most mobile brawlers in the game. This allows for strategic positioning and quick escapes when needed.


Low Health

Despite his lifesteal, Edgar doesn’t have the highest health pool, making him vulnerable to heavy hitters and ranged brawlers.

Weak Against Tanks

Brawlers with large health pools, such as Bull or Frank, can outlast Edgar’s burst damage, making these matchups tricky.

Dominate with the Best Edgar Build

The best Edgar build is all about maximizing his strengths—burst damage, mobility, and lifesteal. With Hard Landing or Fisticuffs, Let’s Fly! Gadget, and the right Speed and Shield Gears, you’ll turn Edgar into a powerhouse that can dominate in both 3v3 and Solo Showdown.

Remember: Edgar thrives when he can stay on the move and surprise enemies. Keep up the pressure, choose your targets wisely, and you’ll be on your way to mastering this high-octane brawler.