Best Brawlers for Heist Mode: Smash Your Way to Victory!

Best Brawlers for Heist Mode: Smash Your Way to Victory!

If you’re looking to dominate in Heist Mode, you need brawlers who can dish out tons of damage and stand their ground. The goal is simple: crack open the enemy’s safe while keeping yours intact. But it’s not as easy as it sounds! That’s why picking the right brawlers is crucial. Whether you like charging head-on or sniping from a distance, there’s a perfect pick for every playstyle.

Let’s dive into the best brawlers that can turn a Heist match into an easy win!

1. Bull: The Bulldozer of Destruction

If there’s one brawler who can bulldoze through the competition, it’s Bull. This guy doesn’t mess around—his close-range shotgun blasts are brutal. Bull’s high health and massive damage make him the ideal choice to break through defenses and crush the safe. Plus, his Super, Bulldozer, lets him charge through walls and enemies, making it nearly impossible to stop him once he’s on the move.

Why Bull Rocks in Heist

  • Heavy-Hitting Attacks: Bull’s damage skyrockets when he’s up close. If he gets near the safe, he can wipe out a huge chunk of its health in seconds.
  • Charge In, Charge Out: His Super isn’t just good for attacking—it’s also perfect for creating openings or escaping tricky situations.

Pro Tip: Don’t just charge in recklessly! Wait for the right moment to use his Super, like when defenders are distracted or when you need to create a new path to the safe.

2. Darryl: The Rolling Wrecker

Darryl is all about speed and chaos. His Super charges automatically, meaning he can roll into the action whenever he wants. With his high health and quick bursts of damage, Darryl can easily get up close and wreak havoc. He’s perfect for slipping past defenders and surprising the enemy team.

Why Darryl is a Top Pick

  • Roll Around: Darryl’s Super gives him the mobility to dive onto the safe or get out of danger. It’s super versatile!
  • Constant Pressure: Since his Super recharges on its own, Darryl can keep diving in again and again, keeping the enemy team on their toes.

Pro Tip: Use his Super wisely—don’t just roll in randomly. Aim to land right next to the safe, or knock a key enemy out of position!

3. Colt: The Safe-Breaking Sharpshooter

Colt may not look like a tank, but he’s one of the best brawlers for dealing damage from a distance. With his dual pistols, Colt can unleash a steady stream of bullets that eat away at the safe’s health. And with his Super, he can tear down walls and clear a path for his team to rush in.

Why Colt Excels

  • Long-Range Damage: Colt can stay far back and still do serious damage, making him a safe option for hitting the safe without getting too close.
  • Wall-Breaking Power: His Super can destroy walls that enemies might be hiding behind, opening up the battlefield for your team.

Pro Tip: Keep your distance! Don’t get too close to enemy brawlers—use Colt’s range to your advantage and focus on hitting the safe whenever you have a clear shot.

4. Spike: The Cactus Controller

Spike is all about area control. His attacks cover a wide range, making him a nightmare for anyone trying to dodge his shots. When he throws down his Super, Stick Around!, it creates a field of spikes that slow down enemies and deal damage over time. Spike is fantastic for clearing out enemies around the safe and creating a zone that’s tough to navigate.

Why Spike Stands Out

  • Wide Spread: His attack covers a large area, making it easy to hit multiple targets and deal consistent damage to the safe.
  • Sticky Situations: His Super can slow enemies down, making it tough for them to defend their safe or escape.

Pro Tip: Use Spike’s Super to keep enemies stuck in one spot or protect your own safe by placing it near critical areas. That way, they’ll be forced to take damage or retreat!

5. Brock: The Rocket Sniper

Brock is a long-range brawler who packs a serious punch. His rockets deal high damage from a distance, and his Super, Rocket Rain, rains down a barrage of explosive shots that can destroy walls and hit multiple targets. If you prefer staying far from the action but still want to make a big impact, Brock is your guy.

Why Brock is a Heist Hero

  • Explosive Attacks: Brock’s rockets deal massive damage, even from a distance. If you get a few shots on the safe, it won’t last long.
  • Map Control: His Super can wipe out entire sections of the map, making it harder for enemies to hide or defend.

Pro Tip: Use his Super to clear out any walls or obstacles near the enemy’s safe, then start firing away from a safe distance.

6. Nita: The Bear with the Bite

Nita’s unique ability to summon her bear, Bruce, makes her a fantastic pick for Heist. She can deal steady damage from a distance, and when she unleashes Bruce, it’s game over for any defenders nearby. Bruce can tank shots and deal damage to anyone who tries to stop him. If he reaches the safe, it’s going to hurt!

Why Nita Shines

  • Distraction Machine: Bruce can act as a shield, drawing enemy fire and letting Nita focus on the safe.
  • Constant Pressure: Nita’s attacks, combined with Bruce’s presence, make it hard for enemies to defend.

Pro Tip: Use Bruce to tank hits and keep defenders busy, then sneak in some extra hits on the safe while they’re distracted.

Tips for Dominating Heist Mode

  • Stay Focused on the Safe: The goal is to break the safe, not just take down enemies. Always keep an eye out for chances to deal damage directly.
  • Mix Defense and Offense: Don’t go all-in on attacking and leave your safe wide open. Make sure someone’s keeping an eye on it!
  • Use Wall-Breaking Supers: Brawlers like Colt and Brock can open up new paths to the safe, giving your team more options to attack.

With these top picks and strategies, you’ll be smashing through safes and racking up victories in no time! Get out there, choose your favorite tank or sharpshooter, and take control of the Heist battlefield!